
Power of Reading

I sometimes wonder if life would be easier in the realms of the books that I traverse. They seem so…magical so awe inspiring. I wish I could travel through Middle Earth with Frodo Baggins, or meet the Summer King. I wish I could shoot targets with Katniss or speak to dragons like Seraphina.
                But I guess that’s the reason for books to transport us to these realms far beyond our wildest imaginations and make us dream amazing things. To take us away for a moment from the ordinary and just…be. Allowing us to be scared or amazed or surprised (or all of the above) as the words run across the page.
Sometimes when I run my fingers across the pages of my favorite books I can almost feel the world around me changing. If it hadn’t been for my mother reading me bedtime stories I never would have discovered a Neverending Story or a place where Fairies and Pirates and Lost Boys exist. In the depths of my imagination I can feel them calling out to me telling me to join them, to take me on one last adventure.
As I look at my bookshelf now I see the endless possibilities and the rainy afternoons spent inside cuddled under a blanket with a cup of hot cocoa, going to a place where you never have to grow up. Or to a place where werewolves, vampires, and witches (the stuff of nightmares) exist around every bend.
But that is the magic of reading isn’t it? Never knowing what comes next or where you will travel. You could be riding on the back of Falcor the Luck Dragon or killing demons as a Shadowhunter with Jace by your side. I guess what I’m trying to say is…you never where you can go until you open a book.


The Selection by Kiera Cass (8/10 Pandas)

The Selection by Kiera Cass
            I recently finished reading The Selection by Kiera Cass. It is a dystopian novel that in a sense follows certain principles similar to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.


Scribblenauts Unlimited (10/10 Pandas)

Today I am reviewing Scribblenauts Unlimited which is available through Steam. Scribblenauts is a game which is based around word to virtual reality generation. Which means that when you type a word into the notepad generator it forms the word in the virtual world. For example if you wrote elephant it is going to generate an elephant which you can manipulate to perform specific tasks.



I know that I have been neglecting this blog somewhat and that is mainly because I have had a lot going on lately. I just recently got back from vacation and I spent a good portion of my time reading while I was visiting friends and family so some more reviews are definitely in the works. Also I was planning on having more guest writers and maybe even some wish lists/hauls in terms of books and gaming.